Thursday, September 30, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

What u think diesel cannot drift aaa!!!


An automotive sport that takes place on an open field or parking lot and requires driver to skillfully maneuver their car around a series of cones,slaloms,180 degree turn,390 degree turn,figure eight turns or other obstacles using extreme acceleration,braking, and drifting.

Similar to "autocross" Gymkhana courses are often very complex and memorizing the course is significant part of achieving a fast time.

Monday, September 6, 2010

I Have Learned

I've learned -
that you cannot make someone love you.
All you can do is be someone who can be loved.
The rest is up to them.

I've learned -
that no matter how much I care,
some people just don't care back.

I've learned -
that it takes years to build up trust,
and only seconds to destroy it.

I've learned -
that it's not what you have in your life
but who you have in your life that counts.

I've learned -
that you can get by on charm
for about fifteen minutes.
After that, you'd better know something.

I've learned -
that you shouldn't compare
yourself to the best others can do.
but to the best you can do.

I've learned -
that it's not what happens to people
that's important. It's what they do about it.

I've learned -
that you can do something in an instant
that will give you heartache for life.

I've learned -
that no matter how thin you slice it,
there are always two sides.

I've learned -
that it's taking me a long time
to become the person I want to be.

I've learned -
that it's a lot easier
to react than it is to think.

I've learned -
that you should always leave
loved ones with loving words.
It may be the last time you see them.

I've learned -
that you can keep going
long after you think you can't.

I've learned -
that we are responsible for what we do,
no matter how we feel.

I've learned -
that either you control your attitude
or it controls you.

I've learned -
that regardless of how hot and steamy
a relationship is at first,
the passion fades and there had better be
something else to take its place.

I've learned -
that heroes are the people
who do what has to be done
when it needs to be done,
regardless of the consequences.

I've learned -
that learning to forgive takes practice.

I've learned -
that there are people who love you dearly,
but just don't know how to show it.

I've learned -
that money is a lousy way of keeping score.

I've learned -
that my best friend and I can do anything
or nothing and have the best time.

I've learned -
that sometimes the people you expect
to kick you when you're down
will be the ones to help you get back up.

I've learned -
that sometimes when I'm angry
I have the right to be angry,
but that doesn't give me
the right to be cruel.

I've learned -
that true friendship continues to grow,
even over the longest distance.
Same goes for true love.

I've learned -
that just because someone doesn't love you
the way you want them to doesn't mean
they don't love you with all they have.

I've learned -
that maturity has more to do with
what types of experiences you've had
and what you've learned from them
and less to do with how many
birthdays you've celebrated.

I've learned -
that you should never tell a child
their dreams are unlikely or outlandish.
Few things are more humiliating, and
what a tragedy it would be if they believed it.

I've learned -
that your family won't always
be there for you. It may seem funny,
but people you aren't related to
can take care of you and love you
and teach you to trust people again.
Families aren't biological.

I've learned -
that no matter how good a friend is,
they're going to hurt you
every once in a while
and you must forgive them for that.

I've learned -
that it isn't always enough
to be forgiven by others.
Sometimes you have to learn
to forgive yourself.

I've learned -
that no matter how bad
your heart is broken
the world doesn't stop for your grief.

I've learned -
that our background and circumstances
may have influenced who we are,
but we are responsible for who we become.

I've learned -
that sometimes when my friends fight,
I'm forced to choose sides
even when I don't want to.

I've learned -
that just because two people argue,
it doesn't mean they don't love each other
And just because they don't argue,
it doesn't mean they do.

I've learned -
that sometimes you have to put
the individual ahead of their actions.

I've learned -
that we don't have to change friends
if we understand that friends change.

I've learned -
that you shouldn't be so
eager to find out a secret.
It could change your life forever.

I've learned -
that two people can look
at the exact same thing
and see something totally different.

I've learned -
that no matter how you try to protect
your children, they will eventually get hurt
and you will hurt in the process.

I've learned -
that there are many ways of falling
and staying in love.

I've learned -
that no matter the consequences,
those who are honest with themselves
get farther in life.

I've learned -
that no matter how many friends you have,
if you are their pillar you will feel lonely
and lost at the times you need them most.

I've learned -
that your life can be changed
in a matter of hours
by people who don't even know you.

I've learned -
that even when you think
you have no more to give,
when a friend cries out to you,
you will find the strength to help.

I've learned -
that writing, as well as talking,
can ease emotional pains.

I've learned -
that the paradigm we live in
is not all that is offered to us.

I've learned -
that credentials on the wall
do not make you a decent human being.

I've learned -
that the people you care most about in life
are taken from you too soon.

I've learned -
that although the word “love”
can have many different meanings,
it loses value when overly used.

I've learned -
that it's hard to determine
where to draw the line
between being nice and
not hurting people's feelings
and standing up for what you believe

by Kathy Kane Hansen

Friday, April 2, 2010

Buat sahabat2 ku yang masih tak tau maksud:LUmbu Punya Sussu Seepi dapat namak!!!!!!

source from :

Lembu punya susu SAPI dapat nama By [r][a][y] eusouff
Mesti korang dah terbiasa dengar malay proverbs ni kan?
Lembu punya susu, Sapi dapat nama !Dalam bahasa inggeris nye...Milk belongs to the cow, but the bull cow gets the name. LOLKelakar pulak bila proverb ni ditranslatekan ke english. Pikir2 balik kenapa la lembu terpilih dalam banyak-banyak bintang in the world of survival ni kan...

LOLKenapa binatang bersusu lain tak terpilih....?? Tak layak atau tak dapat undi SMS mencukupi kut. huhuhuhu.Plagiarism in its essence; one man's sweat becomes another man's glory. Maksud mudahnya...orang lain yg keja teruk...orang tertentu pulak yg dapat nama.Orang jenis ni mesti ada dalam kehidupan kita. Jika dikaitkan dengan kerja, biasanya melibatkan boss-boss, supervisor kita." Saya nak ucapkan tahniah kepada Salmah atas kejayaannya mengetuai projek membina jambatan emas ke Balakong" kata pengurus besar BINA MAJU Sdn Bhd.Padehal semua dalam team tu tau yang Salmah tu la yg paling pemalas...pandai mengarah jer...gila kuasa dan hipokrit.Masa tu Salmah tersengeh, tersenyum lebar atas pujian tu. Aiyooo...manalah tak sakit hati org bawahan dia kan? Ditambah pulak dengan statement..."Haaaa...without my leadership skill...I don't think you guys can do it"Mau tak meletup gunung berapi.Kalau muka Salmah tu cantek takpe la kan. Tapi masalahnya tak cantek. Sapi yang tak cantek u ols. LOL. Cantik ke...tak cantek ke...ia adalah satu sikap yang tak elok. Menyakitkan hati orang good. Bad...bad...bad...punya sapi. Obviously Sapi yang jenis ni deserve a spanking from me.Itu kalo kes dipuji. Kalo la katakan...projek itu gagal. Mula la species SAPI ni ngelat dengan menyalahkan orang lain. TYPICAL sgt kan?

Tips nak handle Sapi ni...kenalah banyak2 bersabar. Jadilah supercow seperti gambar sebelah ni haaa.. Long term basis...dia yg rugi. When we work hard...walaupun nampak macam boss besar tak notice...tapi hasil kerja kita tu...adalah untuk diri kita sendiri. Hasil kerajinan kita itu, akan manfaat pada kita pada situasi yang berbeza nanti. Yang paling penting pada muka2 yang dah terkena ni...bila dah merasa jadi boss nanti...bukak la mata besar2. Hargai la orang yg bekerja keras tu. Be fair. Jangan la ko pulak sama jadi SAPI. Dulu bukan main lagi marah bila org buat kat dia...bila jadi BOSS lupa diri pulak.SAPI jenis ni lagi la teruk pada pendapat Ray.Ray dan L.E.M.B.UBercakap pasal lembu. Ray tak boleh makan lembu yang disembelih didepan mataku ini. Tak sembelih depan mata ok. Tak sampai hati nak makan kalo binatang tu disembelih depan mata.Dan ray tak pernah sentuh lembu tu punya "anu " tu...walaupun i am a kampung boy...LOLMy favourite cartoon pasal lembu ialah cartoon "COW & CHICKEN". Bila ray tengok mesti gelak lentang-lentang atas lantai. Mengalahkan budak kecik. Anak buah ray sendiri pelik melihat paksu boy nya berkelakuan mcm tu. Ray juga suka makan "kacang mengelembu". Very addictive to it. Dah makan sikit and makan lagi dan lagi dan lagi dan lagi dan lagi.
Ray juga memiliki shower container berupa seekor lembu betina. Ya....seekor lembu...lembu...lembu [ echo ]. Lembu ni dalam posisi menonggeng. Telah memberi khidmat, mengeluarkan shower gel setahun lamanya. Boleh refill. LOL. One those pelik thing that ray ada kat rumah ni.Huh? Apa? mcm mana ray tahu yg lembu ni betina. Tgk saja matanya. Warna? Pink and black spots. Nama lembu ni "MOO"Dulu masa kecik-kecik, ray ada jam lembu...tah mana la agaknya jam lembu tu sekarang...LOL Dah aruah dah.Lembu adalah binatang suci. Bukan saja dikalangan orang beragama hindu tapi ray juga menganggap lembu sebagai binatang yang suci. Jangan salah faham...maksud ray...lembu ni binatang yg baekk punya. Dia buat hal dia je. Cuma kat kampung ada la lembu yg notti sikit...melepas tahi sana sini n makan tanaman orang.Apart from that lembu is allrite to me. LOL. Kalau tak suci masakan kita makan dagingnya dan hirup susunya...hahaha. Hirup? ingat sup ke apa....maksud ray... hisap...ehhh... sedut....ehhh....minum susunya. [method nak minum tak penting...yg penting susu BAGUS]Minum susu buat anda kuat dan sehat.Selamat Menyambut Tahun Lembu...u olsPS: entry kali ini juga adalah tribute kepada karektor lembu yg diberi nama Sapi dalam filem "GENG" yg dibintangi oleh Upin & Ipin tu.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

hmmm....long time no see... been a while i haven't update my blog.I almost forget about it...hehehehe....stay tuned...guys..comin soon...after i buy lappy la huhuhuhuhu!!!!